The weakest part of a conceal carry setup are the clips and screws. Most IWB holsters come with plastic FOMI clips or individual ‘overhook’ clips. This material is thick, high profile, provides little clamping force, tends to cristalise and break in the face of cold and/or impacts and does not withstand a very high repetition count of open & close.
“Pull the dot” soft loops address some of the problems of plastic clips, but generate a higher profile and a more unstable clamping on the belt.
While such solutions might seem acceptable to most end-users, intensive use (grappling sessions, high repetitions of drawing & holstering weapon, high repetitions of putting & removing holster from belt, years of continuous and frequent use, retention shooting training) will immediately point out their shortcomings.
DCC clips are the pinnacle of belt attachment solutions for conceal carry holsters. They are the easiest and cheapest option to drastically upgrade the reliability, quality and durability of your CCW holster, for end-users that expect a long lifespan of intensive use for their gear.
The Monoblock clips are designed as an upgrade to FOMI-type clips and provide better stability, lower profile, a longer life of open & close cycles, superior clamping force and better durability. In addition, they will work without a belt, provided that the waistband of your trousers is strong enough to support the weight of the weapon and push the claw of the holster. Rather than as clips, they should be seen as high technology flat springs.
They come with a DMG/Cu finish in colour DCC dark matte grey, anti-reflectant and highly resistant to abrasion and corrosion. According to the manufacturer, the surface is low maintenance. If any scratches or wear develop, a hand of WD40, mineral oil, vegetable oil, CLP, motor oil or similar will help protect the surface and keep it cosmetically clean.
The DCC Monoblock kits we sell are replacement parts for 4Bros holsters, but will work with all modern IWB holsters with the same screw pattern, such as Tenicor, Phlster, Henry Holsters, Dark Star Gear, Tier-1 Concealed, Werkz, Harry Holsters and others, as well as a number of European manufacturers that follow the same screw pattern.
They come with all necessary mounting hardware. We strongly recommend using Loctite 243 on all screw threads and marking all screw heads with a marker in order to facilitate inspection.
2BME adapter plate – Glock MOS to RMR/SRO/407C/507C/508T/etc.